Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Life on the Right

Being a teenager and also being on the right of the political spectrum isn’t as easy as being on the left. Oh, how easy it would be to insert a “Bush is stupid” reference into a conversation, get a few laughs, and then get no backlash. How easy it would be to insert quick anti-war line into a conversation, and get no rebuttal. But that’s not the case for me. This is my life in a St. Louis public school.

In moving through my high school years, many more of my classes came into contact with politics. But one example in particular came when taking World History. I guess I should have known what I was getting into in “World” History. I knew it wouldn’t focus on America, but I didn’t expect it to be so anti-American. For an entire semester all I heard was about the evils America. Be it when we were opening trade relations with Japan, or saying that Reagan didn’t win the cold war, Carter had it going on the right track. Even out of the clear blue to start class, my teacher inconspicuously walked over to the then opened door, let it close and just when the latch shut, “Let’s talk about Iraq.” You could almost predict what’s was next.

Then moving on to this year, in studying documentaries, the first example of a documentary was Michael Moore’s, Sicko. I politely pointed out that a documentary had to be associated with facts, but the student insisted that Cubans get better healthcare than we do. Again I pointed out that Cuba was, you know, Communist!!! The next example was Fahrenheit 9/11. Again facts weren’t associated with it. Then a film on the nuclear attacks on Japan prompted a student (a smart one at that) to point out how barbaric we were and how dare we drop those bombs. Again, politely, trying to keep from screaming, I pointed out that if the bombs were not dropped, then the allies would have had to invade Japan by ground which would have dragged the war on for about ten more years and cost many millions of lives on both sides. This prompted a large class argument and I realized that even the smartest people can still be so ignorant.

These examples keep coming up almost every day. They are at least a subtle jab at President Bush or U.S. troops, or at most, like above, trying to straighten out little Demo-bots. I’m sure these “wonders” will never cease as I move through high school and, oh my gosh, then college (that should be fun). After having to deal with that for a week, you would be glad to get three days off too.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

TTC's views on... anything!!!

Here are my view on a wide variety of issues facing this nation...


I believe human life begins at conception. Abortion is murder and no woman has the “right” to choose murder. I am in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade.

Death Penalty

The death penalty as it stands now is a completely justified punishment. It is a punishment that fits the crime of a brutal murder. It is neither cruel nor unusual.


I favor the free market system of capitalism and shun government interference in our economy. I also support tax cuts because the more money an American has in his/her pocket, the more he/she can invest in our economy. In favor of overhauling the current tax system either by Fair Tax, Flat Tax, etc.

Global Warming

The earth is warming. However, I believe that global warming/climate change has little to do with human industrial activity and more to do with solar flares from the sun and livestock “emissions”. There is far from a scientific consensus about human contribution to global warming.

Gun Control

The Second Amendment gives every American citizen the right to keep and bear arms. Criminals find illegal guns so enacting gun control only disarms possible victims of gun violence. A criminal is less likely to try to cause harm if they know their victims are armed.


Although I am not well versed in the different kinds of healthcare proposals, I am strongly opposed to socialized medicine and I support health saving accounts.

Homeland Security

Strongly support the PATRIOT Act.


I support legal immigration at the current rate, but strongly oppose illegal immigration. The U.S. government should build a strong fence on the U.S.-Mexico border. Most illegal aliens are not looking to start a new life here in America. They are using our economy to make money which they send back to their home country. Also, a fence would curtail a large percentage of drug trafficking coming from Mexico. Illegal aliens should have none of the rights of a legal citizen. After the Immigration Amnesty Bill went down last summer, I put together my own plan. Here it is…

Secure 100% of the U.S.-Mexico border in five years. (Physically, Technologically, etc.)
Deporting 100% of criminal aliens in five years.(Allow money saved in prison costs to fund the border)
Create a bio-metric, tamper-proof I.D. card for all LEGAL non-citizens in the U.S., so if an immigrant wants a job, they must have that card to prove they are legal.
An immediate doubling of the fine for employers who hire illegals.
An immediate cutting off of all Federal funding to any city that is a “Sanctuary city”.

This creates an attrition system where, if the work dries up, the illegals will "self-deport" because they would all be out of jobs.

Same-Sex Marriage

I am opposed to marriage being anything other than between a man and a woman. The best family situation in which to bring up a child is one between a mother and a father. A Constitutional Amendment banning Same-Sex Marriage would be acceptable. However, I am open to homosexuals being allowed to have joint ownership of money or possessions.

United Nations

The UN has repeatedly failed in its essential mission of world peace. It lets criminal and murderous regimes in power and allows the genocide of thousands without lifting a finger. Instead they focus on containing the United States and Israel by focusing on Israel and the United States’ foreign policies. The United States should never subvert its national interests to those at the UN.

War on Terrorism

Militant Islamists attacked the United States on 9-11 and they want to do it again. They strive for Islam to rule the world and they are prepared to use murder and terror as a weapon. These extremists cannot be negotiated with or appeased. Their view of the world cannot coexist with western civilization. The extremist network runs far beyond Osama bin Laden or al-Qaeda. A conservative estimate is that 10% of the world’s two billion Muslims are radicalized. That is 200 Million people, at least. This is a global war that will not be over after the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are complete. The terrorists must be stopped and destroyed.

War in Iraq

The war in Iraq was justified because Saddam Hussein was a radical genocidal dictator who was pursuing WMD and had some already, not stockpiles but enough to worry. He had numerous terrorist connections including some with al-Qaeda, although he had no operational knowledge of 9-11. He gave money, resources, and sanctuary to many radical Islamists for over a decade. Establishing a free nation in the Middle East could spur other citizens of terrorist states to rise up and demand their freedom.

Also, the war was terribly mismanaged. We did not have enough troops to secure the population and support the interim government. President Bush is trying to correct his mistake by surging our troops into Baghdad and Anbar Province. The surge shows many signs of success and we must wait until the Iraqi security forces have been trained and al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists are captured or killed. I realize waiting is not something people do well, (especially politicians) but we have to win and leave that country in a stable place. I am strongly in favor of winning in Iraq and crushing the extremist elements fighting there. If we don’t succeed, it would be a major win for the Militant Islamists and will make America look weak on the world stage. If the radicals win in Iraq, they will form a base to launch new and more deadly terror attacks on the United States. We must win in Iraq.

And again, if you disagree(or agree), feel free to comment or send me an email.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th

Just stop for a minute or two and take a personal moment of silent reflection on the events of today. Watch the footage. Be proud to be an American. Say a prayer to the victims and their familes and say a prayer for the country we all love.

God Bless the victims.

God Bless their families.

God Bless America.

Never Forget 9-11-01.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Jihad or the Ipod?

I usually roll my eyes when a member of “The Greatest Generation” starts a sentence with, “Back in my day…”. I think that their day has passed and now it’s mine, my day. But in my day, right now, I see us as many older folks do, the first generation in American history where my day wasn’t as good as theirs. That scares me, and it should scare you too.

My first example comes from my own high school. It was September 11, 2006, the five year anniversary of 9-11. I was in a somber mood, not overly dwelling on it, but aware of the event. But to my shock many students, even one teacher were surprised to learn that the day was 9-11. They would kind of say “Oh…it is” in an “Oh well” kind of way and continue with their day. Now I have a question. Do you think that on December 7, 1946 students failed to realize the importance of that day? I highly doubt it.

These same people could rattle off lyrics to songs, birthdays of movie stars, and the anniversary of the Ipod, but can’t realize that 9-11 kind of means something. And that, I believe is our problem. This is why we are losing a major aspect of the war on terror, the youth factor. While radical Islamists are indoctrinating their kids to be the next generation of terrorists, we are teaching our kids to be the next generation of pot heads. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t watch MTV or watch movies. I’m just saying that when we get to the point where our young people can’t name the Vice President or recognize George Washington over Ronald McDonald, that something is wrong.

I don’t know what to do about that. It is kind of hard to force teens to watch the news, much less care about it. I have seen my fellow teens say the most outlandish things, and it’s because they are not educated about current events. That is why you see the 9-11 truth movement or major support from youth towards a candidate for President who has served a grand total of three years in the U.S. Senate.

But beyond all of that, I take real offence to the label so often put on my generation, “the Ipod generation”; a generation where our attention span is about ten seconds. We live in the moment in stead of thinking about the consequences ten years down the road. That is why people can say with a strait face that withdrawing from Iraq is in some way a good thing or acceptable. They don’t realize the consequences.

I look at my generation and see, at points, a generation of filth and waste, and where does our waste go-in the toilet-and that is where we’ll end up if we don’t get educated and learn about what America is all about. I find myself responding to a teen or younger people who have no idea what they’re talking about and I feel hopeless. I just have to shake my head and say “They just don’t understand.” And again I feel scared. Although I know they will understand eventually, but then it will be too late. I am afraid they will be shocked into reality by a mushroom cloud rising above an American city. That is my greatest fear; that our selfish complacency will lead to an America that is not just knocked down by a terrorist attack, but knocked completely out.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Liberal Plan on Terrorism

I think it’s necessary to understand the ideology of my enemies. No, I don’t mean al-Qaeda, I mean the liberal Democrat party. They have big plans for when they have control of the White House and Congress. So let’s explore their ideas for the War on Terror, abroad and here at home, through a made up yet possible terrorist attack scenario.

First, let’s say al-Qaeda gets a hold of a nuclear weapon. They would obviously want to detonate it in Manhattan. So this is where the story begins.

First on the liberal’s agenda is a withdrawal in some way from Iraq. This would obviously create a vacuum of power resulting in thousands if not millions of deaths of civilians. On top of that Iraq would become a hotbed for Iran in the south, Turkey to the North, and al-Qaeda to the west. From here al-Qaeda would have an Afghanistan like base from which they could launch an attack. So Iraq’s western province is where al-Qaeda’s nuclear weapon is shipped. Nobody would find it because there would be zero law enforcers.

The next item on the list for liberals is the closing of Quantanamo Bay. Then, many enemy combatants will be subject to the American legal system in which many of their detentions could very well be released. Let’s say one of the terror leaders is freed and books a one way ticket to…you guessed it, Iraq, where he and his cell continue work on the nuclear device.

Next on the liberal agenda is the permanent opening of the U.S.-Mexico border. With very few border agents to control a 2,000 mile border, let’s say al-Qaeda ships the nuke to Mexico. Then using some anti-American Latino gangs they smuggle the nuke into the United States.

Some of you may say, “Never fear, we will easily find the nuke here.” That may be, now. But once the liberals abolish the PATRIOT Act, law enforcement officials will be under strict rules not to enter any property without a warrant, or due suspicion.

So let’s say the nuke is then assembled and ready for use. The last piece of the puzzle is when the attack date is being set. The attack’s leader calls the Middle East to inform an al-Qaeda agent when the day is. But with the liberal’s in power, there will be no NSA eavesdropping of calls, so the call is made and not monitored.

From there, there is nothing we can do. The terrorists would most likely get the nuke to New York and detonate it. This kind of an attack would bring America to its knees. With our financial capitol gone, it would send this nation and much of the world into a deep depression, from which we may never recover.

All of this may very well happen. It may seem like a far out scenario, but it is not just a possibility, it could be underway. In a new book, “The Day of Islam”, author Paul Williams explains that al-Qaeda has already acquired nuclear devices and is aiming at the Mexican border for a way to them it in. He also explains that bin Laden has already commissioned a leader for the plot, the air-apparent to Muhammad Atta. His name is Adnan Gulshair el-Shkrijumah. He is a naturalized U.S. citizen and speaks fluent English, Arabic, and Spanish. Many government officials say he is the most dangerous person in the western world.

My point is not that liberals are evil or want a nuke to go off. I am saying that their policies would create the atmosphere where an attack is more likely. This is the main debate in this country. How do you balance civil rights and national security? My point is again, not to say I want all people stripped of their civil liberties, but to point out that civil liberties are meaningless when you are dead. All of this is why the liberal policies invoked by Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama need to be challenged and defeated. And that’s all I want, either they see the error in their deeds, or they need to be marginalized.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Straight Talk on Iraq

The Iraq war began in March of 2003. It ended May 1, 2003. This is the first of many misconceptions about the Iraq war. So in this article I’ll explain some of the myths and lies told about this war, and who is spreading them.
Let me start out by saying that this article is not about Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, it’s about common sense. Even though I am Conservative, there are still myths that need to be busted, lies that must be exposed.

Pre War

So, as I mentioned earlier, the first misconception is that the “war” is still going on. Technically, it is not. President Bush declared on May 1, 2003 that major combat operations in Iraq were over. That ended the “war”. But there was still a lot of work to do, although it’s nor a “war”. In a sense we were waging peace.
Another myth is in the lead up to the war and the “pre-war intelligence” and the “weapons of mass destruction”. Many people have stated over and over that President Bush claimed Saddam Hussein was partly responsible for 9-11. In fact, Saddam was not responsible for 9-11 and had no operational control of 9-11. But the myth here is that the President never claimed that. He has never made the statement that Iraq and 9-11 had a link, ever.

Next, there was the so-called lie about weapons of mass destruction that “were never found”. That also, is false. It is true that the claims by the U.S. and U.N. were not entirely accurate in 20/20 hindsight. There were no stockpiles found. But using common sense, you can deduct where they might have gone. If you were a radical dictator and another nation (with the most powerful military in the world) said you have 48 hours to give up your WMD and leave the country or we will topple you, what would you do? Did you really expect Saddam to have rolled over and given up his weapons? Or further, do you think he would have let them lay out for the world to see? No, he wouldn’t and didn’t. That is why I suspect that he shipped them or smuggled them out of the country before the invasion.
Yet another myth has come up; the claim that no WMD were ever found. That is also false. As I mentioned above, there were no stockpiles of weapons found, but enough to worry about. In an operation on June 23, 2004, the U.S. military found 1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium. The military has also seized over 1,000 radioactive materials in a powdered form which can easy be used in dirty bombs. Another instance is when soldiers found 1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents in an Iraqi warehouse. Also, on May 17, 2004, a roadside IED, containing the nerve agent Sarin, exploded near a U.S. convoy. But because of bad bomb making, the substance was not widely dispersed. So, Saddam did have WMD that could have been provided to terrorists.
Another false claim is that Iraq and al-Qaeda were not linked. They did have connections that eased al-Qaeda’s plans. The document Able Danger, states that the leader of the 9-11 hijackers, Mohammed Atta met with the Iraqi ambassador to the Czech Republic on April 9, 2001. Also, the mere fact that Saddam was in a minority of Middle East leaders who praised al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden for 9-11. He went so far as to have a mural painted on a military base depicting the attacks. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, former leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, fled to there from Afghanistan in 2002 to prevent being captured.
Saddam also had connections with other terrorist groups. He paid Palestinian suicide bomber’s families $25,000 for their child’s act. Saddam also allowed a terrorist training camp named Salman Pak to be used by a number of terrorists. The camp featured an airplane fuselage where foreign terrorists could train to hijack planes. The designer of the bomb that killed 259 on board Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in December 1988, Khala Khadr al-Salahat lived in Iraq and was captured in there in April 2003. In the September 18, 2003 USA Today, the paper reported that Iraq sheltered a suspect in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, Abdul Rahman Yasin. Other Iraqi documents suggest the Iraqi government paid the payments on Yasin’s home every month. So, as you can see Saddam did have connections to al-Qaeda and many other terrorist groups for over a decade.
But above all there was only one document that allowed the United States to go into Iraq, and that was the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441. It stated and documented Saddam’s non-compliance of the other dozen or so resolutions that Saddam ignored. But most importantly, it gave Iraq a “final opportunity” to comply with the other resolutions. He didn’t, and that allowed the United States to declare war on them.

Mid-War Mistakes

Now, some are correct to say that there were major mistakes in the war effort. The main blunder being that the coalition did not prevent a flooding of the borders by terrorists joining the fight. If the military had shut down the borders, not as many al-Qaeda and Iranian terrorists would have gotten in. Another mistake is in the size of our force. We currently have 160,000 troops on the ground. Many generals predicted that the U.S. needs at least 300,000 troops to secure a country Iraq’s size. Those mistakes multiplied and created the major problems we see today.


The war effort is not doing extremely well in Iraq. That is in part because of what is going on in the Capitol Building nearly every day. Now a majority of Representatives and Senators are undermining the war and the troops who fight it. Most of these are Democrats, but there are acceptations of both side of the political aisle. To win in Iraq we must first determine what victory is and what is defined as. The President’s definition is an Iraq the can govern, sustain, and defend itself and be an ally in the War on Terror. Apparently, Congress’s definition is zero suicide attacks and perfection in the Iraqi government. Now, seeing that the terrorist’s objective is to push us out and obtain a base for planning attacks, it would seem logical to assume the Democrat’s withdrawal wish, is exactly what the terrorists want. Plus, the Democrats politicize every death and attack and make it seem like there is no end to the violence. But there can be an end, when the attacks stop being politicized. Again using common sense, if you were a terrorist and you want the U.S. to pull out of Iraq; and in the U.S. there are prominent people pushing what you want and citing the violence that you cause, what would you do? Of course you would continue or even escalate your attacks so they get increasingly politicized and thus, eventually, the U.S. has to retreat. So the way to stop the violence is to stop the politicizing politicians who have adopted the terrorist’s goal and are unknowingly helping it succeed by throwing it on TV for the world to see.

So in conclusion, this was for you, I hope, some straight talk and fact-checking of the myths and lies about the different elements in the Iraq. I believe we need to focus more on that, and less on the politics of the war; because in this war, politics doesn’t stop at the waters edge. It can be broadcast for the world to see. So let us stand as a house joined together to win in Iraq. After all, Abe Lincoln said a house divided cannot stand, but an America that stands together, cannot be beaten.

The Teen Conservative

Nature of the Threat

If I were to ask you who attacked us on 9-11, you would probably say terrorists or al-Qaeda, and you would be right. But the mainstream press and other powerful people are not encouraging you to think deeper. Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden only scratch the surface of the true nature of the threat.

First though, before I begin I would like to remind you that this article is about radical Muslim terrorists. It does not represent mainstream Islam. Whenever I use the word “they” I am referring to the radical element and not the entire religion of Islam. There are many Muslims in the United States, and most all of them are good, law abiding people.

Many citizens of the United States believe 9-11 was only an attack on the United States and its policies. But that would not explain the bombings in Britain, Spain, France, India, Israel, and many others. President Bush defines it as “the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century” and he is closer to the truth.

Actually, the true nature of the threat lies in the Middle East culture, a culture of hate. Young people like you and me are being taught to hate all westerners. I learned this from a special that aired on CNN a few months ago, “Exposed: The Extremist Agenda”. Host Glenn Beck aired footage that few in the U.S. have seen. Children as young as three being taught that Jewish people are decedents of apes and pigs. Children in elementary school being taught that martyrdom should be their goal in life. But the most shocking thing is that the children believe it and espouse it in public. On a day in Iran called Jerusalem Day, radical Iranians come to protest the Jewish state. But the Jews are not the only topic. On Iranian TV, a newscaster, live at the parade spoke to a boy that looked about nine years old. He asked “What is today?” The boy responded joyfully, “Jerusalem Day!” The newsman asks, “What did you come for?” The boy responded, “We came to do the ‘Death to America’ thing.” The “Death to America” thing is very common, especially in Iran. Many people gather and echo a leader chanting “Death to America”. Then that is often followed by “Death to Israel” and “Death to Great Britain”. It is hard to even describe the scene of thousands chanting their hatred for our country.

Not only are the children being indoctrinated, but the mass population is as well. On a reliable website called MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, there are over 1,300 clips from Middle East television. On nightly news programs, reporters report on the news of the day which is similar to our news. But on these programs there is a fundamental bias in the facts. Most bad news is blamed on Israel, the United States, or even democracy in general. The reports also attack western business. For example, in a story from Iran, it cited that the Pepsi and Coke soda company’s profits are going to Israel to topple the Iranian government. This is obviously false, but the reporter presents the story and its claims as true fact. Now you may be asking, “You’re just pointing out one station, this can’t be every one?” Well, in the Middle East there is only one news station in a country, and it is run by the government. So if the news tells you something, you have no reason to believe otherwise.

This indoctrination translates into hatred for western governments and culture. In some cases it also leads to violence and war. Brigitte Gabriel, a woman who grew up in Lebanon, and lived through their civil war in the 1970’s and 80’s, even wrote a book about the barbaric behavior she witnessed. She writes in her book, that once some Palestinian terrorists ran into a near by bomb shelter, found a mother, father and a little baby. They took the baby and tied one leg to the mother, and one to the father, and pulled them apart killing the baby. On another occasion a mother was found by the terrorists and forced to behead her only son, and then watch as other Palestinians raped her two daughters in front of her. This is only a sampling of the barbaric nature of these terrorists. This is a sampling of what they would do to any of us if they could.

Some may call it an overreaction to define the War on Terror as World War III, but I don’t. When you only count the major three terrorist groups, al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah, they have murdered over 4,900 people combined, and wounded over 13,000, and these are only the documented incidents. The countries they have attacked include the United States, Kenya, Tanzania, Yemen, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Britain, France, Italy, Jordan, Belgium, Greece, Egypt, Kuwait, Denmark, Argentina, Spain, Lebanon, and numerous others. So it is not the U.S. vs. the terrorists, it is the world vs. the terrorists.

But I’ll take it one step further. The terrorists glorify death to make it seem better than life. They want to convince young children that their life here is horrible and heaven is more desirable. You can call this war what you want, but in my opinion, this war is life vs. death. And if you don’t believe that, just listen to the words of Osama bin Laden, “We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the big difference between us.”

The Teen Conservative

How to win

Plain and simple, here is how to prevail in the global war on terror.

Now to win the global war on terror will take many years and many things must happen and they won’t happen overnight. Right now the war on terror will never be won. That is because of three little letters, O-I-L. As long as we need oil, the war will never be won. If your enemy possesses something in which you need to survive, they can hold you at bay in return for that something. For example, Iran controls a small seaway called the Strait of Hormuz. That passage way is where all Middle East oil passes to get to the open market. Now Iran has now been proven to have tampered in the Iraq and they have literally killed our soldiers there. Why aren’t we at least taking out their I.E.D. factories? Oil. If we were to make any aggressive move towards Iran they would immediately blockade the Strait of Hormuz so that no oil from the Middle East could be shipped. By the way 85% of the world’s oil comes from the Middle East so a shut down would be a massive catastrophe. This is a trademark example of why the U.S. will never pursue Iran on its nuclear program or its human rights violations.

And the same goes for Saudi Arabia. They are our so called ally in the region even though the Saudis teach their children in Madrasas, or Islamic Schools, in which young children are taught by radical Sheiks and Imams to hate the west and everything that it stands for. Again, why don’t we demand that this be outlawed, oil. If we make the Saudi government angry they might not let us have their oil.

Oil is one bargaining chip on the terrorist’s side, the other is their media. The Arab media in the Middle East is filled with anti-American propaganda that insights violence towards the west. But the radical’s goal is not to convert adults to their cause, it is the children. I have personally seen hundreds of examples on a website called MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Initiative. They have provided over 1300 clips from all over the Middle Eastern television. There are cartoon shows not unlike the ones we as younger children watched on Saturdays, but instead of Batman fighting crooks and robbers, it is a Muslim terrorist fighting the U.S. in Iraq. This language is not just inferred, but it is bluntly stated where the main character is going and what he intends to do, blow himself up so he can kill Americans. The broadcasts are in Arabic but MEMRI translates them to English so that Americans can hear what the terrorists and their children can hear.

Now these are just merely examples of the challenges we face. So here are some solutions. The oil crisis in the west is something that will take awhile to cure, but the main thing we can do now is find new energy sources. That doesn’t mean throw a few million bucks at it, it means make it a top priority of this nation. This country has taken steps since 9-11 to solve the oil problem but not enough. The longer we need oil, the longer the terrorist states have a bargaining chip over us.

If the oil problem was easy to institute then the propaganda is the polar opposite. It is very hard to influence a state run media that doesn’t want to change. Yet it is imperative that we get this under control because the longer that goes on the more time the radicals have to breed a new generation of terrorists.

Overall the challenge we face is not easy. But this country has a mission. As President Bush announced on September 20, 2001, “Freedom and fear are at war. The advance of human freedom, the great achievement of our time, and the great hope of every time, now depends on us…and we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.”

The Teen Conservative

How and Where to Start Our Victory Plan

From 8-18-2006

Step 1: Find some way to bust the ACLU, CAIR and other anti-American organizations on some sort of statutes. The reason for that is the ACLU and other organizations shop civil lawsuits to the Clinton-Carter judges that in turn favor the liberal view. So if there is no ACLU than the liberal judges will not be up for sale. There would be no organization to shop cases. And in turn you don’t have the bogged down justice system in which we are now residing.

Step 2: Once we take down the barrier, it’s time to take action. Get a bill passed that ties foreign relief aid or help to the nation’s policy on Islamic terrorism. Indonesia, for example, is a country that has a huge Islamic Fundamentalist movement which their government doesn’t stop. Then the tsunami hits and they ask for aid, well have you condemned the terrorists, yes, good now prove you mean it by actually taking steps to curb the fascism.

Step 3: Launch a comprehensive initiative to find new energy. The only thing that separates the Mid-East with annihilation is oil. We need them. If or when we find alternative fuel, the Middle East has no leverage in negotiations. But we can’t just throw a few million bucks at a project and hope it gets done, we need to make it a priority to fighting Islamic fascists.

Step 4: Next we need an informed public that knows who we are fighting and why. Basically it should be strongly encouraged that adults read the Qur’an. We need to know what are enemy is fueled by. We need to know their tactics. And this is the best way to do so.

Step 5: Stop the multiculturalism in our schools. Children are being told that our culture, our way of life is wrong and we need to bow down to the UN. When we teach young and old about our country, we need tell them to be proud of our history, be proud of our culture, be proud of the freedoms we have, and most important, to love the United States of America. People shouldn’t feel ashamed of wearing Red, White and Blue. They shouldn’t be ashamed if they tear up when they hear the National Anthem. They shouldn’t be ashamed of who they are. We are Americans and we should be proud of it. In one word, what we need is patriotism.

Now from here on it is up to the President. But I can tell you, if these steps are carried out we will see a dramatic improvement in the war on Islamic fascism. But if we just start believing in our values, our flag, our leaders, and our country we can and will defeat this enemy and be a more united country for it.